







#include char *getpass(const char *prompt);


DESCRIPTION         top       This function is obsolete.  Do not use it.  If you want to read       input without terminal echoing enabled, see the description of       the ECHO flag in termios(3).
       The getpass() function opens /dev/tty (the controlling terminal       of the process), outputs the string prompt, turns off echoing,       reads one line (the "password"), restores the terminal state and       closes /dev/tty again.


/* Copyright (C) 1992-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU   Lesser General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see   .  */
#include #include #include         /* For string function builtin redirect.  */#include #include 
#include #define flockfile(s) _IO_flockfile (s)#define funlockfile(s) _IO_funlockfile (s)#include 
/* It is desirable to use this bit on systems that have it.   The only bit of terminal state we want to twiddle is echoing, which is   done in software; there is no need to change the state of the terminal   hardware.  */
#ifndef TCSASOFT#define TCSASOFT 0#endif
static void call_fclose (void *arg){  if (arg != NULL)    fclose (arg);}
char * getpass (const char *prompt){  FILE *in, *out;  struct termios s, t;  int tty_changed;  static char *buf;  static size_t bufsize;  ssize_t nread;
  /* Try to write to and read from the terminal if we can.     If we can't open the terminal, use stderr and stdin.  */
  in = fopen ("/dev/tty", "w+ce");  if (in == NULL)    {      in = stdin;      out = stderr;    }  else    {      /* We do the locking ourselves.  */      __fsetlocking (in, FSETLOCKING_BYCALLER);
      out = in;    }
  /* Make sure the stream we opened is closed even if the thread is     canceled.  */  __libc_cleanup_push (call_fclose, in == out ? in : NULL);
  flockfile (out);
  /* Turn echoing off if it is on now.  */
  if (__tcgetattr (fileno (in), &t) == 0)    {      /* Save the old one. */      s = t;      /* Tricky, tricky. */      t.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO|ISIG);      tty_changed = (tcsetattr (fileno (in), TCSAFLUSH|TCSASOFT, &t) == 0);    }  else    tty_changed = 0;
  /* Write the prompt.  */  __fxprintf (out, "%s", prompt);  __fflush_unlocked (out);
  /* Read the password.  */  nread = __getline (&buf, &bufsize, in);  if (buf != NULL)    {      if (nread < 0)    buf[0] = '\0';      else if (buf[nread - 1] == '')    {      /* Remove the newline.  */      buf[nread - 1] = '\0';      if (tty_changed)        /* Write the newline that was not echoed.  */        __fxprintf (out, "");    }    }
  /* Restore the original setting.  */  if (tty_changed)    (void) tcsetattr (fileno (in), TCSAFLUSH|TCSASOFT, &s);
  funlockfile (out);
  __libc_cleanup_pop (0);
  if (in != stdin)    /* We opened the terminal; now close it.  */    fclose (in);
  return buf;}




int tcsetattr(int fildes, int optional_actions,const struct termios *termios_p);


  • TCSANOW:此配置应立即生效。
  • TCSADRAIN:在所有写入fildes的输出信息传输后生效,若更改会影响输出的参数时应使用此配置。
  • TCSAFLUSH:在所有写入fildes的输出信息传输后生效,并且在更改之前应丢弃迄今为止接收到但未读取的所有输入。


tcflag_t c_iflag;      /* input modes */tcflag_t c_oflag;      /* output modes */tcflag_t c_cflag;      /* control modes */tcflag_t c_lflag;      /* local modes */cc_t     c_cc[NCCS];   /* special characters */



键值意义IGNBRK忽略BREAK键输入BRKINT如果同时设置了IGNBRK,BREAK键的输入将被忽略,如果设置了BRKINT但是没有设置IGNBRK,BREAK键将导致输入和输出队列被刷新。如果终端是前台进程组的控制终端,这会导致此终端向前台进程组发送SIGINT中断信号。当 IGNBRK和BRKINT均未设置时,BREAK键的输入将会被读取为空字节 (\0),除非设置了PARMRK,此时BREAK键的输入将会被读取为序列\377 \0 \0IGNPAR忽略帧错误和奇偶校验错误PARMRK如果设置了该位,则在输入传递给程序时会标记具有奇偶校验错误或帧错误的输入字节。仅当INPCK置位且IGNPAR未置位时,该位才有意义。标记错误字节的方式是使用两个前面的字节,\377和\0。因此,对于从终端接收到的一个错误字节,该程序实际上读取了三个字节。如果有效字节的值为\377,并且未设置ISTRIP,则程序可能会将其与标记奇偶校验错误的前缀混淆。因此,这种情况下有效字节\377作为两个字节\377 \377传递给程序。如果IGNPAR和PARMRK均未设置,则将具有奇偶校验错误或帧错误的字符读取为\0INPCK对输入内容启用奇偶校验ISTRIP去除字符的第8个比特INLCR将输入的NL(换行)转换成CR(回车)IGNCR忽略输入的回车ICRNL将输入的回车转化成换行(如果IGNCR未设置的情况下)IUCLC将输入的大写字符转换成小写字符(非POSIX)IXON允许输入时对XON/XOFF流进行控制IXANY(XSI扩展)输入任何字符都将重新启动停止的输出(默认是只允许START字符重新启动输出)IXOFF允许输入时对XON/XOFF流进行控制(笔者注:此处可能是手册有误,推测应为关闭XON/XOFF流控)IMAXBEL当输入队列已满时响铃,Linux没有实现这个位,它会视为此标志永远被设置(非POSIX)IUTF8将输入视为UTF8,这将允许在cooked模式下正确执行字符擦除



键值意义OPOST启用先处理后输出机制OLCUC在输出时将小写字符映射为大写(非POSIX)ONLCR(XSI扩展)在输出时将NL(换行) 映射到CR-NL(回车-换行)OCRNL将输入的CR(回车)转换成NL(换行)ONOCR不在第0列输出CR(回车)ONLRET不输出CR(回车)OFILL发送填充字符以延迟终端输出,而不是使用定时延迟OFDEL将填充字符设置为ASCII DEL(0177),如果未设置此标志,则填充字符为ASCII NUL(\0)(未在Linux上实现)NLDLY换行输出延时,可以取NL0(不延迟)或NL1(延迟0.1s) [需要_BSD_SOURCE或_SVID_SOURCE或_XOPEN_SOURCE]CRDLY回车输出延时,可以取CR0、CR1、CR2或CR3[需要_BSD_SOURCE或_SVID_SOURCE或_XOPEN_SOURCE]TABDLY水平制表符输出延时,可以取TAB0、TAB1、TAB2、TAB3(或XTABS,但请参阅BUGS部分)。TAB3即XTABS代表将制表符扩展为空格(每八列停止输出一次制表符)[需要_BSD_SOURCE或_SVID_SOURCE或_XOPEN_SOURCE]BSDLYBackspace延迟输出延时,可以取BS0或BS1(从未实现)[需要_BSD_SOURCE或_SVID_SOURCE或_XOPEN_SOURCE]VTDLY垂直制表符输出延时,可以取VT0或VT1FFDLY换页输出延时,可以取FF0或FF1 [需要_BSD_SOURCE或_SVID_SOURCE或_XOPEN_SOURCE]


键值意义CBAUD(非POSIX)设置波特率掩码(4+1位)[需要_BSD_SOURCE或_SVID_SOURCE]CBAUDEX(非POSIX)设置额外的波特率掩码(1位),包含在CBAUD中(POSIX定义波特率存储在termios结构中,没有指定精确的位置,并提供cfgetispeed()和cfsetispeed()来获取它。一些系统使用CBAUD在c_cflag中选择的位,其他系统使用单独的字段,例如sg_ispeed和sg_ospeed)[需要_BSD_SOURCE或_SVID_SOURCE]CSIZE设置字符长度掩码,取值范围为CS5、CS6、CS7或CS8CSTOPB设置两个停止位,而不是一个CREAD启用接收器PARENB启用输出奇偶校验生成和输入奇偶校验PARODD如果设置,则输入和输出的奇偶校验为奇校验,否则使用偶校验HUPCL在最后一个进程关闭设备(挂起)后,降低调制解调器控制线CLOCAL忽略调制解调器控制线LOBLK(非POSIX)阻止来自非当前shell层的输出。此选项供shl(shell层)使用(未在Linux上实现)CIBAUD(非POSIX)输入速度掩码。CIBAUD位的值与CBAUD位的值相同,向左移位IBSHIFT位 [需要_BSD_SOURCE或_SVID_SOURCE](未在Linux上实现)CMSPAR(非POSIX)启用stick(标记/空格)奇偶校验(某些串行设备支持):如果设置了PARODD,则奇偶校验位始终为1,如果 PARODD未设置,则奇偶校验位始终为0[需要_BSD_SOURCE或_SVID_SOURCE]CRTSCTS(非POSIX)启用RTS/CTS(硬件)流控制 [需要_BSD_SOURCE或_SVID_SOURCE]


键值意义ISIG当接收到INTR、QUIT、SUSP或DSUSP中的任何字符时,生成相应的信号ICANON启用规范编辑模式(以分割输入)XCASE(非POSIX,未在Linux上实现)如果还设置了ICANON,则终端仅是大写的。否则,输入将转换为小写,但以\开头的字符除外。在输出时,大写字符以\开头,小写字符转换为大写 [需要_BSD_SOURCE或_SVID_SOURCE或_XOPEN_SOURCE]ECHO回显输入的字符ECHOE如果还设置了ICANON,ERASE字符会擦除前面的输入字符,WERASE会擦除前面的单词ECHOK如果还设置了ICANON,KILL字符将擦除当前行ECHONL如果还设置了ICANON,即使未设置ECHO,也会回显NL字符ECHOCTL(非POSIX)如果还设置了ECHO,除TAB、NL、START和STOP之外的终端特殊字符将作为^X回显,其中X是特殊字符的ASCII码值+ 0x40的字符。例如,字符0x08 (BS)回显为^H[需要_BSD_SOURCE或_SVID_SOURCE]ECHOPRT(非POSIX)如果还设置了ICANON和ECHO,则在擦除字符时将其打印 [需要_BSD_SOURCE或_SVID_SOURCE]ECHOKE(非POSIX)如果还设置了ICANON,则按照ECHOE和ECHOPRT的规定,通过擦除行上的每个字符来回显KILL[需要_BSD_SOURCE或_SVID_SOURCE]DEFECHO(非POSIX,未在Linux上实现)仅在进程读取时回显FLUSHO(非POSIX,未在Linux上实现)刷新输出流。通过键入DISCARD字符来切换此标志状态 [需要_BSD_SOURCE或_SVID_SOURCE]NOFLSH在为INT、QUIT和SUSP字符生成信号时不再刷新输入和输出队列TOSTOP将SIGTTOU信号发送到尝试写入其控制终端的后台进程的进程组PENDIN(非POSIX,未在Linux上实现)在读取下一个字符时重新打印输入队列中的所有字符。(bash(1)以这种方式处理预输入) [需要_BSD_SOURCE或_SVID_SOURCE]IEXTEN启用实现定义的输入处理。必须启用此标志以及ICANON才能对特殊字符EOL2、LNEXT、REPRINT、WERASE进行解释,并使 IUCLC 标志有效




  • 通常情况下,当用户敲击回车后所输入的内容才会被提交至程序内的内容接收函数中。那么如何逐字符获取呢?
  • 用户输入内容时,默认是回显的,如何不回显呢?



#include #include     #include #include 
void init(){    setbuf(stdin, NULL);    setbuf(stdout, NULL);    setbuf(stderr, NULL);}
int main(){    FILE *in;    struct termios s, t;    int tty_changed;    char command[100000];    memset(command,0,100000);    char *commandPoint = command;
    init();    in = stdin;    if(tcgetattr (fileno(in), &t) == 0)    {        s = t;        t.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO|ICANON);        tty_changed = (tcsetattr (fileno (in), TCSANOW, &t) == 0);    }    else        tty_changed = 0;    while (1)    {        printf("蓝晶@汪汪系统:~$ ");        char inputChar;        read(fileno(in),&inputChar,1);        while (inputChar)        {            if(inputChar == ''){                break;            }            *(commandPoint++) = inputChar;            write(1,&inputChar,1);            read(fileno(in),&inputChar,1);        }        printf("");        printf("%s",command);        memset(command,0,100000);        commandPoint = command;    }    if (tty_changed)        (void) tcsetattr (fileno (in), TCSANOW, &s);    return 0;}




#include #include     #include #include 
void init(){    setbuf(stdin, NULL);    setbuf(stdout, NULL);    setbuf(stderr, NULL);}
int main(){    FILE *in;    struct termios s, t;    int tty_changed;    char command[100000];    memset(command,0,100000);    char *commandPoint = command;
    init();    in = stdin;    if(tcgetattr (fileno(in), &t) == 0)    {        s = t;        t.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO|ICANON);        tty_changed = (tcsetattr (fileno (in), TCSANOW, &t) == 0);    }    else        tty_changed = 0;    while (1)    {        printf("蓝晶@汪汪系统:~$ ");        char inputChar;        read(fileno(in),&inputChar,1);        while (inputChar)        {            if(inputChar == ''){                break;            }else if(inputChar == 127){                if(strlen(command) > 0){                    *(--commandPoint) = 0;                    printf("\b \b");                }            }            *(commandPoint++) = inputChar;            write(1,&inputChar,1);            read(fileno(in),&inputChar,1);        }        printf("");        printf("%s",command);        memset(command,0,100000);        commandPoint = command;    }    if (tty_changed)        (void) tcsetattr (fileno (in), TCSANOW, &s);    return 0;}

注意此处我们并不是简单的输出\b,而是需要输出\b \b因为\b的意义仅仅是将光标前移一位。因此我们的处理逻辑是光标前移之后输出一个空格覆盖需要删除的内容,然后再退回输入点



#include #include     #include #include 
void init(){    setbuf(stdin, NULL);    setbuf(stdout, NULL);    setbuf(stderr, NULL);}
int main(){    FILE *in;    struct termios s, t;    int tty_changed;    char command[100000];    memset(command,0,100000);    char *commandPoint = command;
    init();    in = stdin;    if(tcgetattr (fileno(in), &t) == 0)    {        s = t;        t.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO|ICANON);        tty_changed = (tcsetattr (fileno (in), TCSANOW, &t) == 0);    }    else        tty_changed = 0;    while (1)    {        printf("蓝晶@汪汪系统:~$ ");        char inputChar;        read(fileno(in),&inputChar,1);        while (inputChar)        {            if(inputChar == ''){                break;            }else if(inputChar == 127){                if(strlen(command) > 0){                    *(--commandPoint) = 0;                    printf("\b \b");                }            }else{                *(commandPoint++) = inputChar;                write(1,&inputChar,1);            }            read(fileno(in),&inputChar,1);        }        printf("");        printf("%s",command);        memset(command,0,100000);        commandPoint = command;    }    if (tty_changed)        (void) tcsetattr (fileno (in), TCSANOW, &s);    return 0;}




#include #include     #include #include #define WHITELISTCOMMANDNUM 4
static void call_fclose (void *arg){  if (arg != NULL)    fclose(arg);}
void init(){    setbuf(stdin, NULL);    setbuf(stdout, NULL);    setbuf(stderr, NULL);}
int main(){    FILE *in, *out;    struct termios s, t;    int tty_changed;    char command[100000];    memset(command,0,100000);    char *commandPoint = command;    char *whitelist[WHITELISTCOMMANDNUM] = {"exit","ver","ping","pig"};
    init();    in = stdin;    if(tcgetattr (fileno(in), &t) == 0)    {        s = t;        t.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO|ICANON);        tty_changed = (tcsetattr (fileno (in), TCSANOW, &t) == 0);    }    else        tty_changed = 0;    while (1)    {        printf("蓝晶@汪汪系统:~$ ");        printf("%s",command);        char inputChar;        read(fileno(in),&inputChar,1);        int commandStatus = 0;        char maybecommand[1000000];        int maybeCommandCount = 0;        memset(maybecommand,0,1000000);        while (inputChar)        {            if(inputChar == ''){                memset(maybecommand,0,1000000);                int maybecount = 0;                commandStatus = 0;                for(int whitelistidx = 0;whitelistidx < WHITELISTCOMMANDNUM;whitelistidx++){                    if(strlen(command) == strlen(whitelist[whitelistidx]) && !strncmp(command,whitelist[whitelistidx],strlen(whitelist[whitelistidx]))){                        commandStatus = 2;                        break;                    }else if(strstr(whitelist[whitelistidx],command) == whitelist[whitelistidx]){                        commandStatus = 1;                        maybeCommandCount++;                        strcat(maybecommand,whitelist[whitelistidx]);                        strcat(maybecommand,"\t");                    }                }                if(commandStatus == 1 && maybeCommandCount == 1) {                    memset(command,0,100000);                    strncpy(command,maybecommand,strlen(maybecommand)-1);                    printf("%s" , commandPoint);                    commandStatus = 2;                }                if(commandStatus != 0) break;            }else if(inputChar == 127){                if(strlen(command) > 0){                    *(--commandPoint) = 0;                    printf("\b \b");                }            }else{                *(commandPoint++) = inputChar;                write(1,&inputChar,1);            }            read(fileno(in),&inputChar,1);        }        printf("");        if(commandStatus == 1){            printf("%s",maybecommand);        }else if(commandStatus == 2){            if(!strcmp(command,"ver")){                printf("自豪的由汪汪的小蓝蓝开发!是安全的兽人Shell!欢迎一起成为Furry!Version:0.1beta");            }else if(!strcmp(command,"exit")){                printf("Bye!");                break;            }else{                printf("%s",command);            }            memset(command,0,100000);            commandPoint = command;        }    }    if (tty_changed)        (void) tcsetattr (fileno (in), TCSANOW, &s);    return 0;}



